Large Group Training

Large group training is a great option for those that want the feeling of personal training with the powerful accountability of 6-12 other people in their workouts.  Our large group training is the pinnacle of strong community, addictive energy, and are the most effective large group workouts you will find anywhere in Grand Rapids.

The workouts are constantly moving you forward with built in progressions and regressions/modifications for anyone needing personal adjustments for their specific needs.

You have important goals and not only your trainer, but the rest of the group is going to make sure you reach them.

We are equipped with dumbbells, kettlebells, suspension trainers, sleds, battle ropes, tractor tires, slam balls, a power rack, straddle lift, cable machine, dedicated glute bridge/hip thrust station, and a ton of other strength equipment to give you and your teammaters the absolute best workout.  You will build loads of strenth and endless endurance, while having fun with awesome like-minded people.

On top of that, every large group training membership comes with a Myzone Belt.

The gym is equipped with Myzone, which is a state of the art heart rate monitering system that rewards member efforts the entire time you are here.  This keeps the class energy through the roof from start to finish.  The best part?  When you sign up for a group training membership, you get a Myzone belt for FREE! (a $90 value!)

Group training sessions times are:

Mondays:  7:15 PM

Tuesdays:  7:15 PM

Thursdays:  7:15 PM

Group training is membership based and has both 12-month and month-to-month membership options.  Membership options include: Once per week, twice per week, and unlimited.